FREE Self Defense Workshop
As Muslim women, we have the right to feel safe. Join us for an afternoon of self-defense, sisterhood, and resistance! From street harassment to violence in our relationships, we can sometimes be made to feel...

Imagining our Muslimah Futures
The year is coming to an end and it’s been a long few months. Join us for an evening of sisterhood, art, poetry, collective visioning and collaging with fellow Muslimahs. Let’s come together and imagine our futures in 2015 and beyond. This event is open to anyone who self-identifies as girl or woman that...

Outburst! Community Based Research Projects
The Outburst! team is conducting 7 community based research projects on issues that affect the lives of young Muslim women. The overall purpose of the research is (i) to investigate the spectrum of violence (systemic, institutional, familial, interpersonal) that young Muslim women experience, and (ii) to identify the ways in which young Muslim women define and...

An Evening with Warsan Shire
Join us on October 14th from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. as we celebrate young Muslim women poetry and art alongside our crush Warsan Shire who will also be performing on stage! The event will be held at the Ryerson University Student Centre, Tecumseh Room 55-63 Gould St. in Toronto, ON. The space is wheelchair accessible including...

Outburst Action: Take Back the Night Sign & Noise Maker Jam
On September 16th join Outburst! Action to create signs & noise makers in preparation for Take Back the Night on Sept 20th. This is a protest and evening event to address violence in the lives of women. This year’s theme 2014 “DECOLONIZING FEMINISM GLOBALLY: FROM TURTLE ISLAND TO PALESTINE. It includes a community fair, rally...