On Wednesday August 27th the International Basketball Federation will be meeting to decide if they are going to lift the ban religious wear Ariticle We urge our Outburst Fam to reach out to FIBA and let them know the impact of this ban. Below is a sample letter you can use as well as images that speak to our #right2wear.You can directly email here:  also tweet  @FIBA #right2wear #lifthijabban
President of FIBA – International Basketball FederationRoute Suisse 5 – P.O Box 29
1295 Mies – SwitzerlandDear Yvan MaininiI am writing to express my appreciation that FIBA considering lifting the ban Article 4.4.2 o on head coverings, i.e. the hijab for basketball players.  I believe it is offensive and discriminatory.There is nothing about the hijab, particularly in the sport-friendly version that is widely available now i.e. Resporton, that poses no more of an inherent threat to physical safety than other articles of clothing. Moreover, although this rule doesn’t explicitly single out Muslims, it affects Muslim women disproportionately.  For Muslim women who believe that the headscarf is a religious requirement, this rule asks them to choose between following their religion and playing basketball, which is not a choice that religious women of most other faiths have to make.  FIBA needs to consider the unequal implications of its rules, and to stop policing the clothing that some Muslim players are wearing.

For many girls and women, playing sports is a way of staying healthy, building self-esteem, and being part of a strong community.  The opportunity to participate in organised sports represents more than just an occasional meet-up to play ball; for many people, it is also plays a vital role in their health and sense of self and community.

This is also about more than isolated incidents affecting only a few players.  Many exceptional aspiring basketball stars such as Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir, who have dreamed of a flourishing future as a professional basketball player, will have their dreams cut short due to the FIBA ban.

There are many examples of sports events where participants wear hijab without incident.  FIBA, another international sports organization lifted their ban and now welcome players who wear the hijab.  The 2012 Olympics featured a number women who competed wearing the hijab including Wojdan Shaherkani, Noor Hussain Al-Malki, Tahmina Kohistani, Shinoona Salah al-Habsi, Fatima Sulaiman Dahman. Daily throughout the world girls and women are wearing hijab participating in a wide range of sports including basketball, fencing, Australian football, weightlifting, and boxing.

I am tired of everyone – sports institutions, governments, families, religious scholars, the justice system, our peers – being obsessed with what Muslim women wear.  Muslim women and girls have the right to choose how we outwardly express our faith and religion. Muslim women have the right to wear what we please. FIBA needs to get out of our wardrobes and let women play.