During the month of June, the team at Outburst! launched it’s first twitter campaign on issues that affect Muslim women in the city of Toronto. 5 twitter conversations were conducted, each around 5 community based research projects that each of our team members are currently pursuing. We thought it would be a unique way to discuss the issues and get an understanding of what others are thinking on each of our projects. What emerged were vibrant and necessary conversations from our community on the #SistersEntrance; #MuslimMenAreTold; #MuslimahInSports; #MosqueDiversity; #DeafMuslimahs; & #QueerMuslimahs. Below are some highlights from a few of these conversations:
The Outburst! Twitter conversations are a small slice of our larger community based research project “We Speak for Ourselves”. Research projects that are led by and centre the voices of young Muslim women. “We Speak for Ourselves” will be launched at a research symposium in the spring of 2015 and funds raised by the Outburst! online campaign will be critical in making this happen. The research symposium will be composed of a panel featuring the voices of young Muslim women as they present to their communities on the issues that affect their lives. Rarely do we come across research that honours our voices as central and necessary and your contribution will allow for this to happen.
Donate to our Indiegogo campaign HERE