
Storytellers is a four part workshop series in Lawrence Heights for young Muslim women. Come, chill and focus on sharing your voice through poetry. In our weekly gatherings we will use our pens to explore the theme of “self-love” with the intent of publishing work(s) in the Homebound Young Muslim Women Poetry Anthology 2014. We strive to make this is a safer space for everyone to locate their creative voice and be heard. It is one of four workshop series happening across the city for young Muslim women with project partners Outburst! SpeakSudan, Gashanti Unity, Youth Renaissance and Shine.

WAIT! There’s more, each member of the group will also have an opportunity to be a part of a poetry retreat AND be published in a city wide poetry book by young Muslimah poets. Have your voice heard!

Who: The workshops are open to anyone (16 – 29) who self-identifies as a Muslim woman through the spectrum of familial, spiritual, political, cultural, ancestral connections.

Location: 700 Lawrence Ave. West, Suite 226
Lawrence Square Mall (Lawrence Ave. West at Allen Rd.)

Workshop Dates include:

Saturdays 1 to 4 pm
January 11
January 18th
January 25th
February 1st.

Space is limited so please rsvp immediately. For those who are younger and are eager to participate please contact me directly.

Participants have access to
– TTC tokens
– Childcare (upon 48 request)
– Language Interpreters (including ASL) available
– Opportunity to be published
– Mentorship from establish Muslim women poets & writers

Pre-registration is required please contact us to register 416-323-9149 ext 268 or [email protected]m

About the Arts Educator: Nehal is a writer, social researcher and cultural producer living. Born in Khartoum, Sudan, Nehal has lived in the United Kingdom, the Sultanate of Oman and Canada. Her poetry can be found most recently in “The Great Black North: Contemporary African Canadian Poetry” and the forthcoming “Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space and Resistance”.

Funding for Storytellers: Poetry Workshops for Young Muslim Women is provided by ArtReach Toronto, Canadian Women’s Foundation, Trillium Foundation, Laidlaw Foundation

The Renaissance Project is a youth-led organization based in Toronto, Ontario, which inspires, motivates, and empowers young people to become change makers within their communities. Our initiative is to use the power of media and creativity as a means to engage youth to explore different strategies to allow them to have a valuable impact on their future.

Outburst! Young Muslim Women Project is a movement of young Muslim women in Toronto who are breaking silence and speaking out about violence. As young Muslim women we want to determine the ways in which we define and access safety. Outburst!, a program of the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, is an opportunity for us to build community through art, education and research. Tumblr:

trillium Ontario-Womens-Directorate CWF_LOGO_RGB ArtReach Logo 2011